Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Black Friday

....well here in Philadelphia Thanksgiving is officially over.

Another Turkey Day bites the dust.
However, it is the official start of Black Friday.

As I'm typing this, it is precisely 3:45 AM, which means that, today, as utterly absurd as it seems, the Macy's Department store opens in just 15 minutes.

Just for kicks, I'd love to show up there at 4 AM just so I can witness first-hand what kind of shopaholic-wackos are in THAT much of a hurry to purchase the latest style of sheer black Playtex Pantyhose for an outstandingly discounted price before the rest of the day's crowds begin to stampede into the shoe department like a pack of merchandise-hungry wolverines.

Hmm. Should I?


I reckon I'll retire to bed instead and gladly avoid the massively massive Black Friday masses.

Black Friday. Eeeek!

Quite honestly, the mere name of this post-Thanksgiving-day circus makes me quite uneasy.

Such a disturbing, eerie term for a day that marks the start of what's meant to be a joyous holiday season.

Black Friday brings to mind doom, gloom, death, a tortured caterwaul, a devastating, tragic, disastrous, apocalyptic occurrance.

Yikes. My head will be buried under the covers in T Minus 5 seconds.





