Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ciao mi chiamo Gina Sicilia

I'm pretty sure that most people who hear my last name have absolutely no idea how to spell it.

And I'm not gonna deny it. It's a tough one, for sure.

I've seen some very insane variations of my last name: Ssciillia, Sicellia, Secellia, Cecillia, Saclia, Sicilicilicilia and so on and so forth. ;)

Whenever I'm on the phone and have to spell my name for somebody on the other end, well, I wont even go into it because I've done it soo many times that I'm pretty much waaay too used to it by now.

But if you wanna learn how to spell it and pronounce it, just think "Sicilian Pizza", without the "n" at the end, so it's: Sicilia!
And there you have it!
Gina Ssciillia

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