Sunday, October 24, 2010

music biz

You better try
Before you get old
Before you're nearly 23
And can't appeal to the tweens.
Yes you better try
Before you get too old
Before you're 29 old lady in their little eyes.
And it weighs on your mind:
"What will become of me in time?"
As years seem to fly...
So you better try
Before you get too old
Before you're 45
And they say you're way past your prime.
Cause when you're 45
With normal human facial lines
They prove your years of wisdom
But mask your inner fire.
So before it gets to late,
I'm telling you to try
There's a wholesome 15 year old girl-next-door
Who is waiting next in line!
Though she aint got what it takes,
Not a talented bone in her pure, skinny teenage frame
She's got young skin for now
And a hip one-syllable name.
Which is why she better try
Before it gets too late
Before her fans turn on her
For getting pregnant by mistake....


Steve G said...

I think the industry likes everyone to think that's certainly how they love to market their artists.....there have been those that have shown Bill Withers.....Alex Harvey was over 40 when he started SAHB and he was very popular with the younger crowd....Janiva Magness was over 40 before she started her solo career....and there are others.....I think it's more the way the artist thinks then what their actual age is....if you think (gawd I'm 45 you're going to come across as old).....but having access to the internet is such a great level playing field that it's now possible to side step the "big business" mentality of the music industry and get good music out to those that might have otherwise missed it. Long story short, I think it's more important to have great material than it is that your "marketable" by industry standards....which, BTW, is becoming less and less the standard anyway. :-)

Lili said...

I'll say what my mentor, Barry Kornfeld, who taught music theory at the Guitar Study Center said to me when I first started out: "The image is young, but anyone who is worth their salt is over 30 - just ask". My best material and voice, I believe, is now and I am way past being a teenager. Those "young" pop-tarts of the American Idol star maker machinery genre don't have much under their belts; just listen to their voices. To say nothing of what passes for "songwriting" these days.

I don't think it has anything to do with age. If you don't have any talent it really doesn't matter. I don't hear a lot of talent, or greatness out there, but I see a lot of gimmicks and costumes and posturing. That's what passes for a musician these days. Maybe as they age, they'll figure it out, or fade away.

I were my laugh lines with great pride, along with the fullness of my hips with a voice and songs to match. The better part of life is after some living has been done; way past 23.