Sunday, June 26, 2011

A dream reborn

When I was in college I took a brief hiatus from singing--a concept unfathomable to me now. For a very short while I had given up the idea of a singing career and I was determined to become a great journalist. All focus went into my studies and many hours were spent at the library researching and trying to perfect my writing. Words became my passion and through writing, I sought to find the most precise and unique ways to describe things. This was my fascination. Well, that phase didn't last long. I snapped out of that insanity real quick when I put this song on one night. I made up my mind, right then and there, that I was going continue with my original plan of being a singer. That dream was reborn and a few nights later I began going to a weekly blues jam. I've since never looked back or doubted what I wanted to do with my life. You've obviously all heard this song before, but maybe if you listen to it again, it will inspire (or re-inspire you) the way it did me when I was 19.

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